Sunday, February 22, 2009 . 3:00 PM
Zouk on Friday night with the uni mates after soooooo long.The night before, I stayed up till 530AM to mug for my accounting test. Also, to write notes and do some revision because I reckon I won't be studying during the weekends.
Thursday after school, E and myself accompanied Fyonne down to Tanjong Pagar for her dental appointment. Someone's gonna put braces! haha! Let's go for crab session before you have ur braces on! :) While waiting for her, F's friend brought us to his parents restaurant at Duxton Road. The name of the restaurant is Roadhouse Grill. Go and check it out.
A nice place to chill after one whole long day at work. :)
We had our late dinner at Katong. Went to have the very famous Katong Laksa.
Been wanting to eat it since ages ago but that SOMEONE too busy. tsk tsk tsk!
We Couldn't find other things to do at Katong end up, we went to play Left 4 Dead (again) since we had 4 players. And we were that close in completing the stage!!!
I hope I won't end up becoming a game freak.
E and F, we need another girl in our team so that we can form a Left 4 Dead female team!!! Maybe we can teach Jeane how to play and get her to join us! Sounds cool huh? lols.

So anyways, phuture on Friday was o-k-a-y!
Serena drove all of us down to zouk and then back to town to kill time
Somehow, I prefer mambo more than phuture now. I think I'm too old for clubbing already. (which in a sense its a good thing!)
Bumped into Javern and surprisingly, Dior knows him too.
And gooodfriend, the first thing Javern saw me he asked "Where are u??" lols.
Fyonne GF only managed to reach at around 12am.
By then Simon was in his own world already. And it was damn hilarious to see him dancing weirdly at the dancefloor.

I guess, I won't be zouk-ing for the time being.
Have you ever had miscommunication with someone? Well, I had. Infact, alot of times.
Communication. What does it actually mean? It is more than just speaking. It's listening. And it's more than just listening; it's understanding and properly responding to what we've heard.
Clear communucation occurs when two people know not only what to say, but when and how to say it.
Why is it that when we think of communication, we usually picture ourselves talking? The answer is fairly clear.
We think what we have to say is pretty important. Infact, more important than what others have to tell us.
Often the best thing we can do with our lips is to keep them SEALED.
g-ladies spoke
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 . 7:15 PM

The above picture was taken last night at 230AM at Geylang Lorong 27A.
The K-box king and queen were the one who wanted to take a picture with him and the funny part was they used my name to snap a pic with him.
For 5 mins, there were some "arguments" between Hi Low and me on who will be the photographer. hah! Finally after some time, Hi went up to JJ and asked if we could take a picture with him.
I was prepared to be the photographer but JJ's friend volunteered to take a pic for us instead. While his friend was preparing to take the camera from Hi's hand, Hi Low said "Gladys, come. Don't be shy! I know you want to take. COME COME!" and he "ran away". VERY FUNNY AH MR HI LOW!
Firstly, I don't really know who this JJ guy is except for the fact that he's a local singer.
Secondly, I don't even know what song he sang except for one of the National Day Theme Song; Home.
It's only last night then I know that he's famous in Taiwan.
Fyonne and Hi said I even posed for the camera! wth loh. I was just putting my hands on my waist leh. And maybe because JJ thought I was really the one who wanted to snap a pic with him that's why his thumb was pointing at me!
The whole incident was super funny. We couldn't stop laughing even after JJ left. goodness!
Before we went Geylang, we were at one of the LAN shop at Katong, playing Left 4 Dead!
I cannot believe I actually went to a LAN shop to play LAN game. (Cine not counted)
Man, I think the people in the lan shop has serious hearing problems. Their speaker volume is on to the maximum! Can u imagine how loud was it when one is killing zombies?
We played for two hours and when we left the place, my ear was on the verge of bursting and every human to us look like zombies. hahaha!
Terminal 2 Macdonald's after that.
Yep, we're back to the same old mugging place.
Hi went there to sleep while F went to study/copy notes and me, attempting to study.
Managed to read topics 1-3 of accounting. But, i wasn't really concentrating on what I was reading. Maybe it's because I had a long day in school the previous day as E, Jeane and myself stayed back after school till about 630PM to study!
Three tests next week and I'm very very worried for my Law test!
And friend, is your social night confirmed?
g-ladies spoke
Monday, February 16, 2009 . 6:45 PM
Saturday during commercial law lecture, everyone were busy talking about their after class plans. I think alot of people wasn't really paying attention to what the lecturer was talking.Alot of girls were nicely dressed.
Everyone was busy exchanging small little gifts. Lollipops, heart shaped mini muffins, flowers, chocolates, etc.
These little actions indeed shows that our OG people cares for one another. :)
And it also brought me to think back about my secondary school days where we'll exchange small little gifts with one another.
So, who says Valentine's Day are for lovers? To me, it's more like a Friendship day whereby you go around showing your little appreciation to the friends around you.
Being the lazy me, I've stopped doing gifts but I know my friends will understand. heehee!
I left class at around 415pm instead of 5pm.
Rushed down to Tampines with my super duper heavy bag.
Heard from a friend of mine that barely 5 mins after class end, the lecture hall was like a ghost town.
Everyone was gone within 2 mins. haha!
Having lessson on a Saturday totally sucks.
Okie, here it goes. Love is in the air on Saturday was alright.
I was actually looking forward to seeing the adults dressed in the 70s but sadly, not all were dressed up to the theme.
The youths on the other hand was amazing. Especially bimbo leong. She wore a tiger prints BELL BOTTOM! You tell me, who will actually wear a bell bottom jeans out now? lols.
The committee did a great job.
From the decorations to the food to the programmes. Zhilong and Noel who were friends of my brother-in-law, went upfront and sang a few songs.
It was like as though we're in a karaoke session!
So yeah, that sums up my whole valentine's day! :)
And it's time to get my ass down and start revising for all the upcoming tests.
g-ladies spoke
Saturday, February 14, 2009 . 11:53 PM
I woke up this afternoon by a loud bang.I opened my room door only to realise that damn, the adults are at war again. Not like it's anything new. But it's at the wrong time.
Why must it be on 14th February? I thought 14th February is the day to celebrate Love?
I was quite reluctant to attend school for fear that the adults will end up hitting one another but on the other hand, I don't wanna end up being caught in between of their war.
I cannot stand it when things start to turn nasty.
Tables banged, cupboards banged, doors banged, EVERYTHING!
Why can't adults settle their disputes in a nicer way? Is venting anger on someone else or banging tables here and there a good way to let off your anger?
Prior to the above question, adults always think they are right. Why do I say so?
When we, the kids, slammed our door, we'll get a big scolding. When we vent our anger on the table or whatever things you can find in the house, we'll get yet another scolding.
So, am I right to say that if the adults are angry, they are by default allowed to vent their angers on anything?
Well, that's always the case isin't it? Which child would actually defy their parents?
Maybe to a certain extent, some child will dare to even go against their parents.
For me, it's a "special" case because I've never lived with my parents since young.
It's true that every household has their own individual problems.
I always wonder when other families are at war, do they bring the kids in to the picture as well?
I remembered few years back, I received an awesome email about family. What does family actually stands for?
Most of you might have already known, it actually stands for Father And Mother I Love You!
The person who came up with this is indeed awesome!
Though I don't know how long the war will last or how many more wars there will be, I believe God has his reasons for placing me in this family.
And nope, please do not think I'm very pitiful or am asking for sympathy, (all you wreaklings who looked down on me or are happily smiling/laughing, you can go on and continue doing what you are doing because you are only making me stronger and I got to thank YOU for that) I'm happy with my life and I'm glad I've learnt to be independent through all these incidents.
Love is in the air will be up in the next entry. :)
g-ladies spoke
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 . 7:15 PM
Recently, as most of my friends already know, I had my asthma attack few nights back.Thank God I'm feeling alot better now compared to previous nights.
Thanks for all the concern my dear friends. Really appreciate it. And not forgetting the family members as well.
I sent a msg to my bro one night telling him thanks for that day (the day I went to see the doc), he replied "Don't be mad. You are my sister. If I don't take care of you, who will? Sleep early and rest well." I teared.
Like I said many times and I'm going to say it once more, you don't need to be rich or to brag about the things you have to be happy.
I'm happy and contented enough to receive that short little sms from someone whom I hardly had any communication with.
Actually, come to think of it, I think I get contented easily. heh!
Last week, Elaine, Fyonne and myself dragged Cherie to town with us.
We introduced Left 4 Dead to her. hahahaha! And poor girl, she had motion sickness after that. /We're so sorry Cherie. But hey, hope you had fun hanging out with us! :)

Sunday was spent at sabby's house. Yay! The girls will always make it a point to go visiting during CNY. It's like a yearly thing already.
This time round, instead of playing cards, we played Wii.
From tennis to boxing to cooking mama to who has the smartest brain. Sab's nephew; Brayden kept all of us busy. We were practically running around the room, playing with the small lil boy. The last time we went to her place, Brayden was still crawling. Man, we're turning old.

We took many polariods that day. Thanks to Sabby!
We will be doing this again in the years to come. By then, we will sit at the coffee table looking at our kids running around the house. :)
Headed over to gabrielyip's place for tampines cell celebration.
The adults were busy talking and eating while the kids were busy shouting and running around the playground. The guys were busy helping us to bbq and the rest of the youths were busy eating and laughing.

It was a great time of fellowship among the Gellers as well as the adults.
And I'm looking forward for our 'Love Is In The Air' retro party in church this Valentine's day.
Everyone will be dressed in the 70s and old school songs like those sang by ABBA, Air Supply, The Carpenters, etc. will be played throughout the night.
I can't wait to see the interesting outfit of everyone. I reckon it will be a fun-filled night!
Nasi Lemak tomorrow at Adam's Road with the uni peeps!
g-ladies spoke
Monday, February 9, 2009 . 10:01 PM
Last night was scary.I felt like I was on the verge of death.
I couldn't sleep because I was feeling breatheless. YES, BREATHLESS!
I kept waking up in the middle of the night to use the inhaler but it doesn't seems to work.
Despite the breathless-ness, I still went ahead for accounting class because I told myself I cannot fail this module anymore.
During the whole three hours of lecture, Elaine could actually hear the whizzing sound coming out from my mouth. And I had difficulty talking to her.
I was feeling so breathless till I took a cab down to Toa Payoh to see Dr Koh.
Thanks to Elaine who accompanied me all the way to Dr Koh's Clinic and I felt bad for making you wait with me till the clinic open. I felt even more bad that you got to walk all the way out yourself to take the bus.
Nonetheless, thank you sooooooooo much! I really appreciate it. :) loves!
Called my sister to check if she could give me a lift home but well, she's busy.
Decided to call my brother and I'm surprised he drove all the way from his workplace to Dr Koh's clinic to look for me.
I felt bad that he waited for me for nearly 1 1/2 hours doing nothing.
What surprised me more was that my bro actually paid for my medical bills.!!!!
I never dare to take money from him and I hardly talk to my brother at home. So, him paying for me is like a big hoo haa!
Dr Koh said I have weak lungs. And the normal inhaler is not working on me anymore. :(
He gave me another inhaler which is stronger than the normal one. And this made me worried.
I can't help but kept thinking "what if my future kids inherit asthma from me?"
I remembered someone telling me, one can die from asthma. Is it true?
Being an asthmatic patient is no joke.
g-ladies spoke
Thursday, February 5, 2009 . 10:49 PM
Lately, I have no idea what am I up to.All I know is TIME zoom past so fast.
It kept me thinking "Wow, school has already started for about a month and till now, I've not started revising any of the modules."
These few days is what I call 'the feeling down' days. Frankly speaking, I have no idea why am I feeling this way. You may call it mood swings which is caused by "that time of the month" but nope, it is not because of "that time of the month" which caused this unhappiness. Probably is caused by what I call the weird emotions.
I remembered during one of the weekdays (last week), I was feeling down/bored and I desperately needed someone to hang out with me. I looked through my phone list, scrolled down from A-Z, sent out a few msg to friends I thought of. (Thanks to those who replied)
Those who didn't, I understand you have other priorities. Wild thoughts came into my mind. Thoughts like "they would rather hang out with their boyfriend than hanging out with someone they knew way before they and their boyfriend got together." or thoughts like "They don't feel like going out so, they're trying to come out with an excuse." etc.
This is when you start to think about the good old times.
Well, friends come and go! This is part and parcel of life.
I've learnt to let go certain people in my life.
I had my fair share of 'broken' friendship and through this, I've learnt how to treasure the people around me.
Sometimes, it is difficult to treasure certain people. (I know this is very contradicting!)
But then again, it kept me thinking "are these people worth to be treasured?" reference to that question, up till now, I have no idea.
Now, to other happier stuff.
The weekends was spent at various friends house. Visitation, Oranges, Pineapple tarts, packet drinks, etc.
I cannot imagine the chinese new year vibe is ending in a few days. SEE, TIME FLIES!
I had my first gambling session over at Melvin's place. For your info, gambling was the last thing I could think of. I don't gamble and even IF I did, my minimum would be 20 cents. Over at mel's place, we played black jack and because of me, they set the minimum bet to $2!! (To me, $2 is VERY high.) and true enough, I lost all my cash at hand which is 14 bucks. :(
After mel's place, was bestfriend's place. Thank goodness her parents were busy entertaining their friends if not I think dawnie's dad will probably ask us to play black jack.
In conclusion, 2009 CNY is boring!
Tuesday was spent with the dearests.
City Plaza was our first destination. (Womanilove, it's time we hit city plaza soon!)
Searching for cheap thrills is our forte. Who doesn't like cheap thrills?
We spent almost two hours? there. Decided to have 'zi cha' for dinner.
Headed down to Geylang No Signboard! I heard the food there is delicious and since I've not been there before, we decided to give it a try.
We walk through all the "dirty" lanes to get to that place because we were busy talking till we alighted at the wrong stop.
You can imagine the number of stares from those tiko uncles!
Down to town to play Left 4 Dead! Yes, LEFT 4 DEAD!
The three of us are kinda hooked to the game now. I cannot imagine myself joining a LAN game! I remembered I used to call those who plays LAN game nerds. Now, I take back my word.
Bar None aftermath. Fyonne wanted to check out the atmosphere there.
Bar None is so not my kind.
Then, it was supper at Chomps! My first visit after I shifted to the east!
I miss eating at Chomp Chomp, Thomson Prata House, Bishan, TPY Lor 5 & 8. In short, I miss Toa Payoh!! :(
Time is God's way of keeping eveything from happening all at once.
g-ladies spoke
Monday, February 2, 2009 . 10:25 PM
It is one of those "I'm feeling so down again" days.Plans failed.
Friends drifted.
People changed.
Emotions creeped in.
It sucks having to put up that 'brave' front infront of your friends when you know deep down you are not that brave.
It sucks having to put up that cheerful mask infront of your friends when you know deep down you are not that cheerful.
It sucks having to put up that "I am okay / I am perfectly fine" face infront of your friends when you know deep down you are not fine.
It sucks having to tell someone to "give up on me" when you know deep down you don't want that person to.
Life's like this.
There will bound to be some down moments in your life.
Man, it is indeed one of those "I'm feeling so down again" days and indeed it sucks.
g-ladies spoke